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  • Indiana and Memorial Day

    Posted on May 28th, 2017 cwmoore No comments

    Today is Sunday and it is the day of the Indy 500 and that is what Indiana is famous for.  It is also the day before “Decoration Day” as we used to call it when I was a kid.  Tomorrow, Memorial Day, we will somberly celebrate all the servicemen lives lost to wars that our country has been involved in, declared or undeclared, and pay tribute to those people for their ultimate sacrifice. One such fellow was Robert Fuller, a relative by marriage, who was lost at sea.  Another was Johnny Henninger, a little younger than me, that was KIA in Vietnam about 1968. There are probably many others from the surrounding area but I do not know them.

    A thunderstorm just rolled through and is now past us.  It was not too bad but I have so many sensitive radios with sensitivity electronics with antennas sticking up in the air it gives me pause each time one rolls through. I did spend all day working  on replacing a radio that burned up over winter.  The new radio has way better audio and am listening to it right now.  I also made a Raspberry Pi 3 Allstar Hub 27025 that all the local guys can connect to so we can chat as a group.  I have a little more work to do so I had better get at it.  Moore later.

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