Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Back at the Excel Inn

    Posted on November 26th, 2007 cwmoore No comments

    I dragged myself out of bed this morning, loaded up and made the 2.5 hr run to GR.  Not too much was going on today but I helped Woody out with some questions for a vendor and then finished up a couple of open expense reports.  ITS Michigan needed additional content added to their website os I did that too.  Pretty soon it was 1700 hrs and I left to check in at the Excel.  Of course they had not put my reservations into the system but my usual room was open so I lugged the stuff upstairs and unpacked for the week.

    I did my 40 minutes of relaxation, meditation session and departed for Braun’s and my favorite special.  I read a book for a few minutes and the whole meal came as usual.  After dinner I filled up the vehicle and drove past the auto dealers just to tempt myself and then back to home sweet home.

    I started to write this blog but the blue screen of death appeared and the D-Link Wireless card seems to have died.  OK, then downstairs to borrow the D-Link AP they have for just such emergencies and away I go.  That is pretty much my boring day/week.  I feel like a fish out of the water without the boat floa