Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • What’s Up?

    Posted on August 3rd, 2008 cwmoore No comments

    We are having fun! That is what is up.  This is the fastest summer on record for us.  Kayaking, sailing, work on the boat, closing in on retirement, job instability and church.  all this leads up to no blogs.  Here is the plan.

     The boat has a secure winter storage.  There are many weeks of retirement work on the boat for this winter.  Actually it will probably extend into the summer with a late launch.  Then I need some crew to help get Inspiration to the North Passage for the summer which will probably be on anchor or mooring.

    The work scene is underlined by the lack of sensitivity for senior citizens who make too much money and have opinions.  This is causing difficulties in a Matrix organization that incents Project Managers to use the lowest cost labor that can get the job done in their opinion.  Of course, I am not the cheapest labor and I have opinion formed by years of experience.  The Matrix organization answer is to deny those people work on the premise that the job bid price will not support cantankerous nabobs.  I might add the Pm’s are about 35-40 years old and have little sensitivity or training in group dynamics or other essential skills for senior managers.  The high senior manager answer is to control finances extremely well – this I give kudos to the Corporation.  The Pm;s are pressed into a situation of high pressure and what do you suppose gives?  Us aged anachronism’s of the past!  So much for age discrimination that is alive and well.

    What else is happening?  I am on vacation this week and plan to kayak with Barry tomorrow on a stretch of Pigeon Creek between Howe and Scott.  We will take a chainsaw and brush cutters and open a reasonable navigable channel so normal people can kayak or canoe the river.

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