Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • A good afternoon at last

    Posted on November 13th, 2008 cwmoore No comments

    Since the last post we have had bad weather but this afternoon there was some sunshine!  It was a great afternoon (1) Updated the ITS Michigan Membership page, (2) My westerly neighbor mulched his and the westerly neighbors leaves, and (3) the sun shown all afternoon with no rain.  Thus far this year there has been no strong west wind to blow the westerly neighbors leaves over to us and to make things better it has been wet so the leaves are heavy.  Only 20 or so loads of leaves thus far and the trees are almost totally bare. Yea!

    Last night I spen from 1900 to 2100 hrs outside in the rain directing kids and traffic.  I had on my lime green vest with the reflective tape.  Why you ask?  Well, the Pastor wanted a couple of volunteers to reduce the number of children darting between cars at the Wednesday night studies.  There are a lot of children from 3 to 19 years old running around – I would estimate about 75.  It was a good night to start this new safety program as it was dark and rainy.  I worked out pretty good except the children did not listen to an old man too well.

    I did not sleep well at all last night.  I am not too sure why.  Hope I get some sleep tonight.