Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Cleaning House?

    Posted on September 26th, 2009 cwmoore No comments

    I cleaned out some of “My Friends” on Facebook. It is not that I want to ditch my friends and acquaintances but rather my Home Page was becoming so cluttered with junk Mafia Wars and other trivia that I need to clean the page. Fortunately, only two friends accounted for more that 50% so off they go – Sorry!

    We are at the boat wrapping up the season. The next several days are to be filled with high winds and rain so we may come home.

    I bought a new boat hook so we can avoid the disaster of last Sunday where the wind blew us away from the dock before we could get the lines on the cleat. I will also change the docking policy so we can make sure the forward lines get attached by the forward crew and the aft line will be handled by the helm crew. Captain will do a better job of discussing possibilities as relates to the wind.