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  • Leaves, Leaves Everywhere

    Posted on October 30th, 2009 cwmoore No comments
    Leaves in The Poconos. Photo: Mark F.
    Image via Wikipedia

    This is the third time I have written this article. I am using a new IE8 add-on called Zemanta. Somehow it is not cooperatng with the style of adding and editing data that I am used to. I cut & paste a lot and with WordPress the data just totally disappears..Grouse, Grouse.

    It has been raining since 0500 hrs this morning. Sometimes heavy and somtimes just a mist. It is also pleasantly warm outside at about 65 °. This condition shows no signs of changing untill after the cold front passes sometime tonight and then the temperatures will drop.  The forcast says 50 ° for the high tomorrow with some higher type winds from the West.  This is good for the leave raking scenerio.

    We have done 5 cart loads of mulched leaves so far – a cart load is about 36-40 cubic feet of densely packed chopped leaves – and this is about 20-25% of a seasons normal drop.  This means 15 more cart loads to go.

    In a way it is somewhat enjoyable but in others it is a real pain.  As the years go by it is more of a pain.  As I watch out the window towards the lake the wind is whipping the smaller tree branches around whilly nilly.  Some tenacious leaves refuse to fall and yield to the inevitable: Sort of like me.  I should go out and take a picture but I am too lazy to do it, so I’ll just continue to write and pretend it is not 1715 hours and the twlight hours are just around the corner.


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