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  • No leaves

    Posted on November 13th, 2009 cwmoore No comments
    Looking at the lake through trees with no leaves.

    Looking at the lake through trees with no leaves.

    Look everyone – no leaves on the trees.  That means we are almost finished for this season – oh, let me count the loads.

    We installed new cables in a hangar yesterday and it took less time than expected.  It is a good thing we did as one cable was about half gone.  Seriously, it looked real bad and the owner was sort of shocked when he saw it.  Anyway, we are pro’s at it now and there were no hitches at all.  Two ladders helped a whole bunch.

    Today is Friday the 13th and there are lots of sales and better yet the stock market is in the green.  I like green.  This morning I had my eye exam and everything appeared to have healed properly from my torn retina surgery 6 months ago.  I am happy about that.

    This has been a busy week but a rewarding one.  Now for next week, hum, lets see – Monday at 1615 hrs old AHS school building for a meeting.  Tuesday if nice will be a kayak trip somewhere.  Wednesday is security detail at the church.  Thursday and Friday are open but I have to finish the sailboat companionway doors so maybe that will take place.


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