Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • One cold day after another!

    Posted on February 18th, 2010 cwmoore No comments

    [singlepic id=142 w=320 h=240 float=left]We are here in sunny Florida and this winter has been real cold down here – like 40’s nights and 50’s days.  The days are rolling by and pretty soon it will be time to launch the boat.  We cannot wait for the gentle bobbing of the water underneath us.

    We looked at some more places down here and it is exciting but I wonder about the practicality of having a permanent land base.  Still…

    Went to get a tooth cleaning  this afternoon and they used an ultrasonic cleaner.  It fet strange and the water was spraying in my face most of the time.  SAM said I had it done before but I surely do not remember.  It was not that pleasant of an experience.

    I got paid for the site I worked on down here for a friend.  It does look pretty cool and I got to use some new tools too.  I bought some new tools before I started the job so all my profits have been spent.  That is the problem with being a techno guy – the technology is an end to the means.