Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Cold & a stuffy nose

    Posted on March 31st, 2010 cwmoore No comments

    [singlepic id=164 w=386 h=369 float=left]I missed the Fall cold and this winter too but not this Spring.  I have had the symptoms for 8 days not so I guess another week may just cure it all – at least I hope.  SAM had the same thing a month ago and still has the nasal quality.

    I have become enamoured with the Wacom Intuos4 Large.   I can really do some meaningful art if I can afford to buy it.  I have done some artwork with a mouse and it really is a big limitation.  Now to find $500 for the tablet – anyone have a cheap one out there?

    Today I spent most of the day doing a Lake Michigan seascape.  It looks reasonable.  I checked out the price to put it on canvas and that is $40 so one has to be sure it is what they want before committing to the printer.  I am working on a vase of flowers now and will add it to this blog when finished tonight.  SAM is at church so I have all night alone.  BFN.