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  • A New Project

    Posted on March 1st, 2017 cwmoore No comments

    I have started on a new project.  It is not Amateur Radio related but it uses a Raspberry Pi to run a program that will display an animated output of Powerpoint.  Basically, the Powerpoint Presentation will be exported as a MP4 and played by a player in Linux.  Most of the software components exist in Linux but a few lines of code need to be generated.  I think I can make it play specific jpeg photos in sequence as well but not sure that will be necessary.  There are several unknowns that I have to figure out since I have never used the open source packages needed.  Anyway, it should be a fun project.

    The days seem to slowly go by but we are mentally winding down our stay here in St. Petersburg.  We like the time and would like to find a place to stay next winter.  The problem is pets. Every place we look at is 55+ and No Pets.  We may be forced to be motor driven.  Our vision keeps changing and the years keep running out but we have a camper but no 3/4T truck.  Then there is the Class A motor home route for about the price of a fairly new truck. Moore later.