Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Death by a thousand cuts

    Posted on June 23rd, 2019 cwmoore No comments

    Death by a thousand cuts (psychology), the way a major negative change which happens slowly in many unnoticed increments is not perceived as objectionable.

    As I read my emails, Twitter, Facebook, major Newsfeeds and to a lesser extent Instagram I am reminded of Death by a thousand cuts. This is not a political, religious or racial diatribe. Rather it reflects my view of the world today. People are becoming inhumane. Perhaps it is the “rats in a closed cage with unbounded reproduction” philosophy experiment of the 50’s” or even perhaps before.

    Whatever the reason, we are in a state of negativity and so I search for a reason of our decline as humans of sensitivity for our compatriots, citizens and fellow Homo Sapiens. Perhaps we are unable to process the multi-media beyond limited a small and secure tribe of fellows.

  • The Unimaginable Reality of American Concentration Camps

    Posted on June 23rd, 2019 cwmoore No comments

    This is the link to the New Yorker article with the title above: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwChSFHTpvHqwWKDnnsCxpJnCZC

    Like many arguments, the fight over the term “concentration camp” is mostly an argument about something entirely different. It is not about terminology. Almost refreshingly, it is not an argument about facts. This argument is about imagination, and it may be a deeper, more important conversation than it seems.

    On Tuesday, she [ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ] tweeted a link to an article in Esquire in which Andrea Pitzer, a historian of concentration camps, was quoted making the same assertion: that the United States has created a “concentration camp system.”

    Personally, I think it is a good thing that we have such diversity of opinions and that we are still able to exercise the right of expression here in these United States of America. I do not think it would take too much to tip the balance the other way and there are most certainly right and left elements that would like to see this happen.