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  • Essence of Dictatorship

    Posted on December 16th, 2019 cwmoore No comments

    Dictatorship has, in many senses, been the default condition of humanity. The basic organizer setup since the caveman, could be summarized simply, as taking orders from the boss with the most retaliatory stick.

    I am not too sure why I began this thread with the word dictatorship; however, with the given state of affairs within the Trump Era, I deem it as an opinion to be accurate: Dictatorship.

    How effective the dictatorship shall be is a subject of history. One challenge is the Impeachment of President Donald Trump. We shall see, and since I am too old to suffer beyond my years, I hope the USA democracy and republic survives. In any case, I suspect the Republic of Texas will survive the trivialities our current elected national government.