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  • Coronavirus politics

    Posted on March 4th, 2020 cwmoore No comments

    Voting by mail in the California primary, as Kimmel did, could be confusing. The mail ballot featured a long list of candidates who are no longer running, including Marianne Williamson, Andrew Yang, and Julian Castro. “This is like the menu for a restaurant that’s out of almost everything.” (He claims to have cast a write-in vote for “Mr. T.”)

    Democrats aside, Kimmel remains focused on Trump – whose embarrassing White House photo-op with pharmaceutical executives was a tableau of the darkest comedy. Watching the president ask whether public health authorities can stem the new virus using the “solid”old flu vaccine is truly chilling.

    Pray the flu out of existence and your re-election is assured! Not only that you could probably get a third term or become Emperor of something.