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  • Beyond Fact-checking

    Posted on July 3rd, 2020 cwmoore No comments

    The articles & data below originated in an article by IJNet ( a project of ICFJ )

    and I found it very interesting. I say this because the day before I generated the following Facebook rant ” This has been heavy on my mind for some time and I was not sure what to do about it: The facebook scene is so negative, so horrible political and anti-Americian that I am constantly being weighed down. So, fair warning – all blatantly combative, anti-Christian, politically challenging and “dark” messages will be hidden on this site from now on – Friends or not! It will be hard on me since my friends I value but we must clean up Facebook for Facebook since they do not seems able to do this for themselves. I will unfriend only the mos vile but will block those that challenge my piece-of-mind. Sorry – from Charlie.”

    So, I provide this as background for the articles below. People are really getting sick & tired of disinformation, be it organized and focused or random repeats of unaware citizens or See-Like-Send (or share).

    Beyond fact-checking: fighting the onslaught of COVID-19 disinformation by Jennifer Dorroh Jul 2, 2020 in COVID-19 Reporting

    First Draft – The Daily Briefing 3 July 2020 – “Has the pandemic changed how we think about disinformation? As part of its Journalism and the Pandemic Project, the International Center For Journalists and the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University brought together a panel of experts on the frontlines of disinformation to reflect on the question. Maria Ressa, founder of the Philippines-based independent news site Rappler, Natalia Antelava, co-founder of independent news site CodaStory, BuzzFeed reporter Jane Lytvynenko, and Gilberto Scofield of fact-checking organization Agencia Lupa identified several aspects of the current “disinfodemic.” As bad actors share misleading information about the virus, sometimes deliberately, journalists must move beyond simply responding to pieces of false information. As Antelava says: “A very important juncture is the one where we are going to stop reacting to the agenda set by others and start setting our own agenda.” The platforms must also change, updating their policies and moving away from a system that encourages division and hatred. The stakes are high. As Ressa warned, social media platforms are “allowing governments to manipulate not just what’s in your mind, what you’re thinking, but it is radicalizing all of us to a point that … it’s killed democracy.”  — credit First Draft – The Daily Briefing 3 July 2020″

    Facebook is totally negligent in my opinion and needs a change in management at the top levels. The same applies to Twitter and they are now as bad or worse than Facebook. Reporters – get your act together and generate your own agenda quit following the fact-checking – it puts you one move behind the disinformation generators. If you are one move behind you can never win!

    First Draft – The Daily Briefing 3 July 2020 “TikTok says it has removed many videos and hashtags associated with the Boogaloo Bois, an extremist, far-right militia group made up of fragmented members who say they are preparing for an American “civil war.” Yet videos from Boogaloo adherents showing off guns and combat gear are still easy to find on the platform. Different spellings of “Boogaloo” in hashtags provide an easy shortcut for content posters and were apparently missed by the video-sharing platform, which has more than 500 million users. But TikTok appears to be learning from mounting criticism aimed at platforms such as Facebook and Reddit for acting slowly to block racist, hate-filled groups. When the BBC’s James Clayton approached the platform with the videos he’d seen, they were “quickly taken down.” No platform yet is adequately protecting users from harmful content before it spreads, and this report shows that, like many others, TikTok’s content moderation strategy remains more reactive than proactive”.

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