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  • fight against disinformation

    Posted on February 27th, 2022 cwmoore No comments

    Before you share something that is sensational use “SIFT”: Stop, Investigate the source, Find better coverage, Trace the claims to the original source.

    The disinformation goal is to confuse and overwhelm us with so many falsehoods and contradictory messages that we no longer know — or even care — what is true or false and to discourage us from acting. It’s up to us not to let them. Or worse: to do their work for them. Don’t help them pollute the information space by repeating their lies — not even their words. Deny them an audience. Don’t give them any oxygen. Just 100% ignore. Even — especially! — if you’re outraged: step away. Go for a walk, have a coffee, cuddle your pets.

    Here’s how to avoid spreading propaganda inadvertently.

    The DON’Ts

    • DON’T engage with lies/disinfo/propaganda. Deny them an audience by not giving them any traction. That means:
    • DON’T retweet lies/disinfo/propaganda 1
    • DON’T quote-retweet lies/disinfo/propaganda 1, 2
    • DON’T like lies/disinfo/propaganda 1
    • DON’T reply to lies/disinfo/propaganda — not even to correct them 1, 3
    • DON’T link to lies/disinfo/propaganda 1, 4
    • DON’T cross-post lies/disinfo/propaganda between social media platforms 5
    • DON’T use their hashtags — unless you are sure you can outnumber them with your own message 1, 6
    • DON’T use their words, terms, frames, concepts 6
    • DON’T reinforce associations between things that in reality have no connection 6
    • DON’T repeat lies/disinfo/propaganda — not even to counter them 6
    • DON’T tag or @mention the account if you absolutely must fact-check or report about it 1
    • DON’T follow accounts that post or regularly spread lies/disinfo/propaganda 1

    The DO’s

    • DO flood the zone with your narrative and with positive truths (not denials of untruths)7
    • DO repeat truths, and keep repeating them, a thousand times
    • DO amplify independent, unbiased, high-quality journalism
    • DO unfollow accounts that post or regularly spread lies/disinfo/propaganda
    • DO mute accounts that post or regularly spread lies/disinfo/propaganda 8
    • DO block and report accounts that reply to your tweets with intentional lies/disinfo/propaganda
    • DO call out lies and hold officials to account — but in a responsible way: use our do’s and don’ts
    • DO use screenshots of posts, articles, videos — ideally watermarked “false” — but only if you absolutely must fact-check or report about them
    • DO provide context if you absolutely must fact-check or report about lies/disinfo/propaganda
    • DO use the “truth sandwich technique (see below) if you absolutely must fact-check or report about lies/disinfo/propaganda

    All the information presented here is from the below site and all credits go to Win Without War.