Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Election Day 2008

    Posted on November 4th, 2008 cwmoore No comments

    We were done voting in about 15 minutes today – one of the benefits of living in the country.  We arrived at the Mennonite Church to vote around 0900 hrs. 

    After that it was down to the Toon-Up automotive repair guy to pick up the SunFire – Total bill $400 plus or minus.  The Chevy Dealer in Angola quoted $1350 to replace a water pump that did not need replaced and to do some stuff that did not really need to be done.  Our local guy corrected all that we hope and did a few more things too.  Big difference in labor.

    We went shopping for food, ate lunch at home and then went kayaking for an hour and then off to the airport for the Aviation Board meeting.  Several of us hangar owners attended.  It was a very cordial meeting.

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