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  • Facebook

    Posted on November 15th, 2008 cwmoore No comments

    I spent the morning updating the Facebook personal information and inviting a few people to be friends.  The use of Facebook looks a little convoluted and it will take a little time to learn the terms,e.g. My Wall.  I tried to upload a .jpg twice but could not find where it was located – it could be a corrupted file and was discarded as I saved it from a .psp (Paint Shop Pro) to a .jpg – so I gave up on that.

    I do not know if I will find value with Facebook or just use my blog at http://charleswmoore.org/wordpress/index.php .  With the new plugins I can generate albums / galleries and add links to YouTube easily.  I digress.  I generated a Facebook account only because I wanted someplace to put the “Class of 63” pictures I took this summer and wanted it to be available to classmates without using Classmates.com

    My son says to Lighten Up.  So I will start by adding some tags to my  blog(s).  This little article will be Facebook & Charles W Moore.

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