Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Akismet & Stats

    Posted on November 30th, 2008 cwmoore No comments

    After church we went to Coldwater to look at some boots for SAM.  A couple different types were tried and we found one that fit.  The type was Irish Setter and they were all camo’d (made by Red Wing).  What more could you ask for right?  No – someone had their heart set on Sears boots.  Well, you can lead a horse to water but …  You know the rest of the line.

    After spending several hours at this, we returned to home and the Author started to work on adding Akismet & Stats to the blog.  This has been pretty successful on my other blogs so I thought I would try it here.  This way I can open up comments without a ton of SPAM.  Here we go.

     I’ll have to depart pretty soon so we can make the evening service.  Earlier in the week I received the IBM T23 Notebook I had ordered for Jim V.  I installed a lot of pertinent programs that I thought he could use.  Mind you, Jim is completely unschooled in the use of the computer and software.  I will have several weeks of tutorials to take him through at dinner at the hospital.  It is worthy of note that I installed Thunderbird as his email client:  the computer was advertised as having Outlook 2002 (and it did have it installed) but there was no COA for the install and it choked when I tried to update it.  This is the first time I have come across an illegally installed copy.  Weird results.  Maybe I can purchase a COA for it for a decent price.  Or maybe I should install OpenOffice?  I ask him what he wants to do.

    Got to go now.  Adios Lector.

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