Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Ask and Ye Shall Receive

    Posted on February 22nd, 2009 cwmoore No comments

    OK, I was bellyaching yesterday about the lack of promised snow.  Well we awoke to 4+ inches this morning and winds that caused drifting.  After church this morning we cleaned the driveway and finished about 1400 hrs.  I laid down and took a nap and when I awoke about 1530 hrs the driveway was all white again and drifted shut.  This did not make me real happy.  Oh well, it is winter and I did ask for snow.  Tonight is going to about 10 degrees so tomorrow morning promises to be a good xc ski day  if the snow temperature below the surface is cold enough not to stick on the skis.

    Jess got back from Mardi Gras and we talked on Facebook Chat for a few lines.  It comforts us to know of the return.  Time to start preparing for sleep time.