Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Facebook posts

    Posted on August 21st, 2009 cwmoore No comments

    I just posted a few pictures of the end of our August cruise.  These were in the camera and I had to down load them.  Then I decided to post them to FB.

  • Inactivity

    Posted on August 21st, 2009 cwmoore No comments

    For me this has been a pretty laid back day.  Up at 0830 and eat breakfast.  I then set the trap for the Chippers, did some email and Facebook and it was almost time for lunch.  SAM wanted to go to Hamilton to get a sandwich at the Upper Crust so we did.  I got mine without Mayo but did eat the forbidden bread (with I am sure Soy content).

    After lunch I putts around at the computer and sent a few more emails, took a nap and took all the recyclables into Angola to the recycle center.  All the while SAM is busy getting ready for tomorrow.  I called Brandon to see if he wanted to come Sunday and he said yes.  He leaves Monday for the Airforce – 6 year enlistment.  I am sure he will come back as a man and the world will never seem the same to him.

    All-in-all I would say this has been a relaxed day so far.  What will the night bring?