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  • The Walk

    Posted on January 16th, 2010 cwmoore No comments

    I was at the airport by 0945 waiting for the General Partner to show up for the “Hangar Walk Through” for this winter. It is about 1/2 mile of walking in and out of each hangar at the airport to check of contraband articles – like avgas in open containers, electrical heaters that are just running & running , etc. We found one heater running blowing hot air into an engine compartment. That is about $20 per month just for one heater. As usual there was a controversy or two. Two doors had been re-keyed and we could not get inside. Also, one the renters is a bit petulant. However, all-in-all everything was pretty good this winter.  The winter is about half over and I am ready for warmer weather. 

    The General Partner told me that electricity usage was double what the previous month was and I attribute this to the cold weather plus the electric heater I mentioned above.  The cold weather was a factor because we have two hangars that have Propane heat and the air blowers are on a lot in cold weather.

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