Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • New Power!

    Posted on June 6th, 2010 cwmoore No comments

    I spent most of today lugging 4 each of 60# deep cycle batteries out to the boat and then taking the 4 used ones back to land to be recycled.  To those of you that think this sounds like a small task I say YOU TRY IT.  My heart rate was way beyond the target level.  Here is the deal.

    I first loaded the batteries in a hand cart and pulled them the 200 yards out to the boat slip.  Then laded them on to the boat deck.  From there it was to transport them to the cockpit and from there down to the aft quarterberth.  That is a lot of handling.  From there I had to repeat the steps to take the old batteries out to be recycled.

  • The Weather

    Posted on June 6th, 2010 cwmoore No comments

    The weather has been annoying for the past few days. Yester iafternoon it started raining and it rained until about midnight and then the wind came up to about 35 knots and then the temperature plunged. That is where we are now – 60 degrees , overcast and windy.

    We have been reading a lot the past few days – I am reading “The Divide” right now and SAM is doing internet searches on the perfect diet.