Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Lots of Rain

    Posted on June 22nd, 2010 cwmoore No comments

    We had a major storm move through the area last night.  Lots of lightning, some major rain.  The captain pretty much slept through the event but the admiral did not.

    Prior to darkness and at the yacht club building we had a Monday group party of about 5 couples.  We had some great discussions and the burgers were good too.  I ate the bread and later regretted it – soybean allergies.

    Today was a Pickens Plan call.  We had a good meeting and a free exchange of ideas.  SAM went out walking and now it is time for lunch.  Boy, the days go fast on the boat and the nights are a bit slower as I wake up more often than I did when I was younger.  BFN – Time for lunch.

  • Drilling Oil Well animation

    Posted on June 22nd, 2010 cwmoore No comments

    This is an interesting animation I came across while visiting the Pickens Plan site.
