Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • More RAIN!

    Posted on July 24th, 2010 cwmoore No comments

    [singlepic id=188 w=320 h=240 float=left]I awoke about 0430 to a rocking boat and some distant lightning.  About 0500 the rain started and lasted until 1100 hrs.  The barometer has been relative steady since 1100 hrs yesterday.  Skies are now overcast and humidity is mid-90’s with light SW winds.  It has been a pretty crappy last few days with intense heat, rain and high humidity.  It looks like the rain has mostly passed.

    During the height of the rain, Fred of Tower Boat Sales, showed the boat to a prospective buyer.  It was not the best day to show the boat but at least it showed the boat does not leak at all.  He asked a lot of questions which I like because I cannot think of all things to include into the conversation.  Since we will be cruising for a few weeks we agreed to re-visit the whole thing when we return.