Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • First warm day in a while

    Posted on August 16th, 2014 cwmoore No comments

    I went to a funeral celebration of life this morning and it was capped off with a great meal by the ladies of Mt. Zion. Somehow it is comforting to be surrounded by people you have know all your aware life. SAM & I sat with a whole group of people who have know me forever – but forgot what I looked like as a man of age – and after the connection was made it was was like one happy big chat. It is strange that living in a village where there are only 500 people that you do not see people for years. We are so busy doing “stuff” that seems more important we fail to notice or it may be the fact that there are less intersections as we branch out from the epicenter called home.

    I have been spending a lot of time on the computer for entertainment, church and maintenance reasons. My new super duper Dell Precision dual quad core Xeon processors are happily churning out whatever I demand. I have the Wacom Tablet attached, a lit up roll button mouse and a lot of software that I use from time to time. Open Office has become my office platform every since MS decided to hood wink me into sending back my Office 2010 discs – that is a long story – so like GM products, MS Office is history. I have been thinking of cloud computing for SAM via the Samsung Chromebook. A discussion heard yesterday on the radio got me thinking so I did a little research and it seems like a good platform for her while on the road. I’ll think about it for a while to see if the light bulb dims before really doing anything.

    This week has been quite cool, Fall like really, with steam rising off the lake in the mornings. A couple inches of rain last week cause the lawn to grow again so I had to mow. I also had to bail out the sailboat for the 3″ of water in the cockpit. It was a joy to do both in the mid-70’s temperatures with full sun and low wind. Ok, I am trapped into doing and edit of some photos on G+ so I’ll be back.