Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Valentines Day 2015

    Posted on February 14th, 2015 cwmoore No comments

    The day started with me telling SAM Happy Valentine’s Day.  After that it was presenting the “Wife” card and the “Read My Lips” candy.  I’ll post the picture some time.  Later we attended the church function of a pay for Valentines Day Dinner  which was OK.

    .Prior, we asked Al & Carol to go with us to St. Augustine to the Sailor’s Exchange where Al & I spent an enjoyable hours of dreaming of our next expenditures.  We enjoy their company and SAM especially treasured the crochet mouse she received from Carol the artisan.  The mouse is an original creation that is crocheted and stitched with a solder wire tail that allows it to stand in a self-supporting manner. It is pretty cool and beautifully wrapped in its own blanket.  Thanks Carol.

    We spent the day enjoying the cool temperatures under a full sun with light winds from the southerly direction.  This evening is supposed to be in the 39°F range but last night was a hard freeze night.  We managed to maintain reasonable temperatures with the two electric heaters but it got cool inside with the early morning dip in temperatures that takes place as the dew evaporates.