Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Start of nothing good

    Posted on December 10th, 2016 cwmoore No comments

    The day dawned with a pee and it was dark and ugly and scary.  I made my way to the ER and they got me in right away and got things started.  Lots of questions and finally after quite a while the ER Doctor ordered a CAT scan.  Then I waited around for a while and they told me three things: Kidney stones, Bladder thickening and a nodule on my left lung.  He gave me a prescription for Cipro and referred me to a Lutheran Urologist and said to see my family doctor to discuss the nodule.  Of course this terrified me.  So here we go down the road of getting old and living a fairly pain free life with no major operations or surgeries. The good news was that the rest of the tests came out positive for liver and kidneys and for that I should be happy.

    Here is what is forcast for us tonight and tomorrow.  I filled the car with gas and guess I should have done the same for the truck.  Luckily a month ago I got the snow blower running so it may start when I need it but it will take a mighty tug.  Three to eight inches of snow is predicted.
