Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Fremont Community Church & other

    Posted on December 5th, 2016 cwmoore No comments

    I was up about 0630 this morning but lazed around in the recliner until 0730  then got up to start the porridge and coffee.  All this activity was finished about 0830 and I cruised the net, looking for nothing in particular, and then got dressed withe objective of going to FCC to fix a few items that appear broken.  Actually, the items were the kick down door stops and these seem to take a beating at the church.  I actually got to the church about 1200 hrs and was back at home at 1400 hrs.  I went to Amazon and this time I did have something to order: replacement feet for the kick stops and some white non-skid for the floor.  The door stops seem to slide on the waxed tile floors so I got som of the non-skid to add a bit og grit for the door stops the rub against.  I have spent about $50 so far on this little project so that will be the tithe for this week.

    The Silverado is having a heater issue so I took that in for a diagnosis and it turned out to be the heater core.  This is about a $600 item so I guess I will not fix it but it sort of ends the utility of the vehicle in the winter.  Most everything else works so it seems a shame but everything wears out and it is her time to be worn out at 230,000 miles.

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