Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Momday, Monday

    Posted on December 19th, 2016 cwmoore No comments

    We were busy this morning.  I made several important calls while we waited for the guy who was supposed to be here to pick up the remaining wood but he never showed.  Around 1100 we loaded the car and went north to the FCC, our church, to fix some trim that had popped off.  We took my tools and some Spackle,  Contact Cement, screws and some epoxy.  We used most of them.  SAM found even more things to fix so we did that too.

    When we were finished at 1400 hrs we drove back to Angola to eat at Sutton’s Deli on the Mound. The day was sunny and the sun beat through the window so it was a very nice meal.  The crowd was almost nil so we had the place to ourselves.

    I just got a call from Dale, my Amateur Radio friend, who is in an Ann Arbor hospital getting chemo for Leukemia, and he said he was not in pain but his bladder is extremely swollen and he has lost hearing in one ear.  This morning when he awoke he did not have any vision for a while.  I feel for him.  I pray for him and so are the Gideon’s.

    I took a two hour break and installed a new blower fan in the Honda Civic: A dead simple install that would be even easier if  you did not have to look through a mirror to see up under the dash. Pop a panel off and three torx screws and the motor comes down and it is almost that easy re-installing but what comes in handy is a set of wood block shims to hold the motor up while you that first screw in.  The fan growls at me no more. Yea.

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