Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • My Day NE Indiana

    Posted on September 12th, 2018 cwmoore No comments

    This is our first full day back in extreme NE Indiana.  I awoke somewhere near 0700 this morning and t here was no sun!  I want sun.  Sometime later it peeked thru so I ventured to check the weather and – yea – it said sunny and 74°/  Life is good.

    Still later I ate breakfast and prepared to head to the RV do get a few neglected chores do.  However, I wanted to investigate YouTube on my Norcold refridge propane operation issue that occurred on the trip.  So the video said rust accumulates behind the heat shield.  I took it off and sure enough it was way beyond the video levels so I vacuumed it out and then blew air into the cavity.  I looked with a flashlight but due to the construction I could not see too much so I re-purposed and old toothbrush and did a delicate side to side while rotating the brush.  Then it was another round of air.  Guess what?  It worked and looked just like the flame in the video.  SUCCESS!

    I did a few other chores around the RV and then left for the 5 Lakes coffee shop.  Yummy taste.  I headed for home to spray the weeds growing up in the driveway – a position of neglect forced by other priority projects this summer.  Later, I completed a few computer necessary projects and this lead me into doing this blurb.  Cheers for this evening.