Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • IN Governor Daniels: state revenue forecast

    Posted on December 20th, 2009 cwmoore No comments

    Sobering issues, challenges ahead and now lets see how selfish or not the education system is to this proposition.


  • Christmas Church Program

    Posted on December 20th, 2009 cwmoore No comments

    Our church Christmas program was today and it was funny seeing the wee ones looking totally like “what is going on”.  The young ladies and gentlemen had a good singing part and the service was nice.  Afterwards we had a big lunch that the ladies put on for everyone. 

    I came home and decided I was going to make text wrap around the Flash I generated yesterday.  I had not use the OBJECT statement before so it took a little time to get the Flash working and then a little more time to get the text wrap working but now it is published and if you are interested it can be seen at http://www.angolaassemblyofgod.com and now what can I do? Yes, I know I’ll put some hyperlinks on some of the placeholder pages.

    Merry Christmas everyone!