Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Northport

    Posted on August 13th, 2010 cwmoore No comments

    We made Northport about 1500 hrs local from Petoskey and that means 6 hours of sailing ( well motor-sailing) but the winds were on our nose and we could not point that high.  Seas were 2′ and less with haze and overcast skies to the west.

    So we are now in Grand Traverse bay.  The winds were pretty strong and one of our party overshot the slip – yea, I am not the only one who does this – but he has good reverse steering so the day was saved.  We gave them the good bow, stern and spring tie off.

    Now for Sheryl’s birthday party (Windfluence).  Friday, August 13 2010: And let the fun begin.