Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • A Lowes Day

    Posted on January 25th, 2017 cwmoore No comments

    We went to Lowes this morning to return an items and to get a roll of seamless electrical tape.  The tape is for sealing an outside connection of one sort or another.  In my case, I want to seal a coaxial cable up at the antenna from moisture intrusion.  It is a temporary antenna setup but still I do not want to ruin a perfectly good cable by letting water get to the foam core. Anyway, a roll costs $5 but should save much more.

    After that we went to the Italian Market to get bread and, of course, a “few” other things.  When we returned home we ate some of the booty.   That pretty much killed the outside day. I did a few technical things but spent more time listening to amateur radio.