Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Easter Sunday

    Posted on March 23rd, 2008 cwmoore No comments

    SAM rousted me out of bed at 0830 and I took a shower and got ready for church.  I have been sleeping in the downstairs bedroom for the past few days and will continue until SAM gets rid of this very nasty bronchitis and sore throat.  The worst attack I have seen in years.  Normally, we go to my brothers for Easter but not this year.  I went to church alone and there were a lot of people on the prayer list.  The bug must be going around.

     After church I went home and ate dinner of chicken soup and took a very short nap and then out the door to Nevada Mills  for a kayak expidition down to the public Ramp which I would guess is about a mile.  I saw a few people but mostly it was just empty winter homes waiting for summer.  I did see two swans, innumerable geese and quite a few ducks.  There were two pairs that I just drifted up close to and got about 10′ away before the got nervous and swam away.  I do not know what type of ducks they were but were not the typical Mallard.  The males looked like Mallards but with a more brown head and light brown on their neck’s.  If I had a duck book maybe I”ll be able to edit this and tell you.

    On the way home I stopped at Starbuck’s and got a decaf from Brandon.  The rest of the afternoon was sort of anti-climatic.  I called Andy,Marc,and Martha but no answers so I decided to write this little work.