Occasional thoughts and deeds of an Engineer
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  • Palm Sunday

    Posted on March 16th, 2008 cwmoore No comments

    We went to church this morning.  The message jumped all over the New Testament and I am sorry to say I did not follow the message; however, there was a lot of emotion so I guess it was just me.

    After the services Fred B & wife, Karon and Brandon, SAM and myself went out for brunch and it turned into an all breakfast table.  Sam & I drove out to see where 600W intersects with the Fawn River – We want to put in there and paddle down to Orland or the cemetary near Orland.  It should be about 3 hours of slow drifting and paddling.  It will be several weeks before we have time to do this as spring time duties will prevail.

    Then it was home to take a nap and then out for the 2 mile trail walk along Fish Creek.  This leads to dinner and right now and time for bed – I have a book to read concerning kayaking Lake Superior.  I would love to do part of the trip before my paddling time is up.

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